Simple is the new complex
by Peter Schmid

Imagine if you could have greater granularity in your prices, whilst making your management overhead smaller

In the past, it has been very difficult for airlines to offer many price points without a great deal of administrative overhead, especially if the prices also need to be shared with partners and travel agents.

Modern innovations are changing things in two different ways.

Firstly, new solutions can avoid the need to ‘file fares’ with a traditional GDS.

Secondly, the new NDC standard simplifies the process of sharing offers with other organisations, by using standard XML to share information.

As well as making selling easier, this also simplifies order management. Standardising orders can lead to more streamlined servicing processes, which can be undertaken by airlines and their partners, with less order ownership problems.

Reducing the manual effort required by your staff will decrease costs, and simpler, quicker processes will please your customers.